pbp-ma.playboy.com- Sandra Vidovic in Playboy Serbia
Sandra Vidovic had been Eastern Europes best kept secret until she graced the cover of Playboy Serbia in December 2012. By profession, I am a ballet dancer, says the busty beauty with the cherry-red hair in her Serbian accent. In addition to stage dances, I dance hip-hop too. I also writ e performances that will be successfully performed with my dance team. As she danced effortlessly around photographer Edvard Nalbantjans camera from the bedroom to the bathroom, it became clear that tattooed Sandra and her all-natural figure were made to be on the international stage. I love my butt, laughs the active redhead. I love my smile and lips which I love to emphasize. I keep smiling and stay positive. Keep smiling with Sandra Vidovic, Playboy Serbias pride and joy.
Sandra Vidovic
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