Title: Claudia Valentine in I'm the Gift for Puma and Nina
Models: Claudia Valentine, Nina Elle, Puma Swede
Description: This year Santa put me in a box and dropped me off where Puma Swede and Nina Elle happened to be! Lucky me, and lucky them! Once they opened me up I popped out of my box and was ready for action! Please enjoy this holiday treat from Puma, Nina and myself, hopefully it's as good for you as it was for us! I wish Christmas came more then once a year! I enjoyed being the gift to you and these 2 hotties!

Format: MPEG-4
Size: 945 MiB
Duration: 12 min 58 s
Resolution: 1080 x 1 920
Antivirus status: Safe

AnzFile: claudia_valentine_nina_elle_puma_swede_xmas.mp4 - 944.9 MB