Title: Erica Lauren In Pantyhose Pleasure!
Models: Erica Lauren
Description: Hi All, I'm sitting here waiting for you! I have my sexy, soft nylon Pantyhose on! Look at me I'm ready, I'm not wearing any top on, just high heels, a blouse around my waist and these pantyhose. Do panty hose turn you on? It turns me on that I turn you on. Watch as I go right under my stockings to my pussy, rubbing it soft and slowly. If the first 2 minutes of this personal video don't turn you on then the rest of this video certainly will! Watch as I play with my nipples too! Please rub and stroke your cock while I penetrate my love hole under my pantyhose!

Format: MPEG-4
Size: 741 MiB
Duration: 10 min 10 s
Resolution: 1080 x 1 920
Antivirus status: Safe

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