Title: Vore - Giantess Risika Swallows You Whole
Description: With you in micro-man form, giantess Risika has you right where she wants you. She's treated you rather harshly, but now she's finished with you, but what to do with your little body? She has several suggestions, including crushing you with her huge feet or big, big ass, but what fun would that be? Instead, Risika is leaning toward swallowing you whole, to totally rid the world of you and your microscopic body. There's nowhere you can go, since she has total control, and once you are sliding down her throat, she will not hear your screams!

Format: MPEG-4
Size: 244 MiB
Duration: 5 min 35 s
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Antivirus status: Safe

AnzFile: Vore - Giantess Risika Swallows You Whole .mp4 - 244.3 MB