Title: Farting - Interracial Step-Mother Shae Spreadz Teaches Step-Son a Harsh Lesson
Description: Licking step-mom Shae Spreadz between her ass cheeks is gross enough, but when she starts to fart, the task is made that much more daunting. Her unfortunate step-son is being taught a lesson in cleaning things with careful attention, and she has him worshipping her dirty, stinky black ass to reinforce the importance of being proactive and cleaning up after oneself. The young man has been put through the ringer, but nothing he has been made to do is as bad as cleaning step-mommy's dirty sphincter while gassers fly in his face.

Format: MPEG-4
Size: 178 MiB
Duration: 4 min 6 s
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Antivirus status: Safe

AnzFile: Farting - Interracial Step-Mother Shae Spreadz Teaches Step-Son a Harsh Lesson.mp4 - 177.9 MB