Title: Farting - Face Sitting Fart Sniffing With Trina Matthews in Jean Shorts
Description: I went to the movies with Trina Matthews, and when we get back I go to the kitchen to get us both something to drink. While I'm gone, Trina uses the opportunity to let out some vicious farts shes been holding in. When I get back, the room is filled with the nasty stench of her gas! I totally call Trina out on her farting - and I have some farts of my own to let loose. I sit right on Trina's face and release my hot gas bubbles right out onto her, pushing my farts through my shorts! My gas stinks so bad, but Trina can't stop giggling while she sniffs in all my smelly fucking farts!

Format: MPEG-4
Size: 198 MiB
Duration: 4 min 31 s
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Antivirus status: Safe

AnzFile: Farting - Face Sitting Fart Sniffing With Trina Matthews in Jean Shorts.mp4 - 197.7 MB