Title: Foot Fetish - Wimpy Guy's Post-Gym Foot Cleaning with Risika
Description: Just when Risika's lazy boyfriend thought his punishment for under-performing at the gym was nearing an end, he's made to smell and taste something worse than her sweaty, fartty ass! Her feet are way worse, so since she is the only one who actually got in a good workout, she is going to expose him to a healthy dose of sweat so he knows how much people are supposed to perspire when working out. He gets her gym sock stuffed in his mouth, and he must also lick her arches and toes, which is absolutely disgusting.

Format: MPEG-4
Size: 186 MiB
Duration: 4 min 16 s
Resolution: 720 x 1 280
Antivirus status: Safe

AnzFile: Foot Fetish - Wimpy Guy&_x27;s Post-Gym Foot Cleaning with Risika .mp4 - 186.5 MB